Monday, 9 November 2020

Everson and Fitzgerald

Those geographers of a certain age will remember this book and others by John A Everson and Brian P Fitzgerald.

I remember using it to teach 'A' level geography back in the 1980s.

Their work for the GA was also remembered by many of the GA Presidents I spoke to with regard to their own entries.

Sheila Jones told me that she remembered their influence at this time, with the rise of the Quantitative Revolution and its influence on classroom practice.

Former President (1989) Richard Daugherty also told me something about them as part of the information he passed through to me:

"The chance in 1966 of a GA weekend course in Sheffield, led by Professor Stan Gregory, was too good to miss. Much to my surprise I then found myself invited ("we need young classroom teachers") to join a newly formed GA committee. It must still surely lay claim to have had the longest GA committee title ever - 'Standing Committee on the Role of Models and Quantitative Techniques in Geography Teaching'. I was thus fortunate to find myself learning from an exceptional group - including Rex Walford, John Everson, Brian Fitzgerald and Vincent Tidswell (my own PGCE tutor at Hull University) - who were seeking to translate the academic 'new geography' into approaches appropriate to school level learning. 

My own first book, 'Science in Geography: Data Collection' (OUP 1974), would not have happened if Brian Fitzgerald had not been series editor. "

This diagram will be familiar to former 6th form geographers of a certain age.

Further memories of this and other books from the time welcome.

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