Saturday, 21 November 2020

Computer Assisted Learning in Geography

This book was first published in 1980 and written by CET in association with the GA.

It was written by Ifan D H Shepherd, Zena A Cooper and David R F Walker.

At this time, the GA was linked with the creation of GAPE: the Geographical Association Package Exchange.

At the time, this was coordinated by David Walker from the University of Technology in Loughborough.

The GA also had its Educational Computing Working Group, based out of Fulwood Road.

Charles Sweeten ran MUSE (Microprocessor Users in Secondary Education) in Oundle.

I used a quote from this book and some other elements when I was asked to write a chapter on educational technology for Routledge.

It's a quote from Page and Kitching's 1976 book: "Technical aids to teaching in higher education" and was the following:

"The teacher's traditional ally is a piece of chalk, and the closer any modern aid approaches this still indispensable material in some respects, the more likely he is to use it."

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