Sunday, 29 November 2020

Conference Officers

The GA Annual Conference has always been a highlight of the GA year, and an opportunity for the President to give their address. For many decades, this was held over the New Year at the London School of Economics. Sheila Jones told me that the conference officer was always a very important person in the GA.

In the conference document that Pat Cleverley sent me, from 1984, the conference officers were listed in the programme as David Green from the Department of Geography at King's College, and Ralph Dunkley from the Geography Section at City of London Polytechnic.

I will be researching each of these people as well as the GA Presidents, so any help with those names would also be helpful.

Denys Brunsden: a former GA President was a conference officer for some years, and passed on details of some of the other conference officers during his time connected with the GA.

Tom Elkins - Professor of Geography at the University of Sussex

“The Geographical Association.” Geography, vol. 63, no. 4, 1978, pp. 369–379. JSTOR, Accessed 2 Nov. 2020.

Jim Bird
Peter O'Dell (or Odell?)
Denys Brunsden - himself a conference officer in the 1970s
David Jones
Nigel Yates
Ralph Dunkley
Russell Chapman
Barrie Morgan - strongly linked to King's College, London
Also runs the King's College London Alumni twitter feed

1981 Conference

David Green

Russell Chapman and Geoff Dunkley ran the conference for years in the 90s.

In the recent era, Lucy Oxley was in charge of the conference for many years.

The last few years' conferences have been organised by Harriet Brookes and Becky Kitchen. They have had to adapt to an online model for delivery due to circumstances.

As I mentioned before, all memories of GA conferences past, and conference officers would be very welcome.


Coates, Bryan E., et al. “Annual Report of the Geographical Association 1981.” Geography, vol. 67, no. 2, 1982, pp. 157–163. JSTOR, Accessed 2 Nov. 2020.

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