Tuesday, 17 November 2020

Learning Geography with Computers 1988

Made by MESU. This has now disappeared since I screen grabbed it a while back... this was an early film on the use of computers in classrooms.

First part of film:

Hypothesis Testing - Cleeve School, Cheltenham - Derek Plumb - 0'10" - 12'44"
Hold the Front Page - Worsley Wardley High School, Salford - Alan Szymanski 12'45" - 19'31"
Planning Tourism - West Hatch High School, Essex - Val Brett - 19'32" - 25'15"
Hydrology Fieldwork - ILEA Advanced Field Study Centre, Abergavenny - Mike Penny - 25'16" - 35'18"
Negotiating for a Game Park - Knowles Hill School, Newton Abbott - Doreen Bennett - 35'19" - 51'31"
Individual Studies - Cleeve School, Cheltenham - 51'32" - end


Deryn Watson wrote a book in this area:

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GA / IoE seminar

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