Thursday, 26 November 2020

Dudley Stamp Memorial Award

I received my RGS-IBG bulletin today, which has a feature on the Dudley Stamp Memorial Award, along with details of a packed programme of online events for Spring 2021.

This is awarded by the RGS-IBG. Stamp (1898-1966) was President of both the RGS and the IBG (as well as the GA, in 1950.

The Dudley Stamp Memorial Award was set up by the RGS in 1967, the year after Stamp's death to support geographers in the early stages of their careers to travel. It has supported over 400 PhD students during the life of the grant. You can find out more from the link below.
It was featured in the latest bulletin (Spring 2021) for RGS Fellows. 

Lily Bradshaw has put together a StoryMap all about the Award. See it here and below.
It is also embedded at the bottom of this post. There are some familiar images from the post about Dudley Stamp on this blog.

Sir Lawrence Dudley Stamp (1898-1966) was an internationally renowned British geographer who championed the study of geography in universities and schools. In recognition of his services to education and science, the British National Committee for Geography established the Dudley Stamp Memorial fund from which the award is given. Sir Dudley Stamp had a strong belief in the value of international research and co-operation, and this ethos continues through the award today.

The Dudley Stamp Memorial Award supports research across the whole spectrum of geography from the intersections between sovereignty, territory, and development in Myanmar to the relationship between fluvial sediment characteristics and floodplain initiation in North America.

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