Sunday, 21 February 2021

Steve Hanstock

It is often said that geography teachers become teachers because of their own geography teacher. This is the case for other subjects as well.

I remember a session by Tim Burt at the 2004 GA Conference where he asked about our own inspirations to become educators, and for many it was their teacher. Many Presidents in their letters sent to Chris Kington also mentioned their teachers, as you will have noticed if you've been following the blog.

One of my teachers was Steve Hanstock. He was a teacher of Geography at Wickersley Comprehensive School in the 1970s and 80s (and possibly beyond), along with other colleagues including John Neale. He was my form tutor and also taught me 'A' level Geography. There was a little extra connection when he did some work with one of my lecturers: David Butcher on a hillslope model, and I interviewed him as part of my PGCE course as well.

In 1988, he reviewed an early software package for 'Teaching Geography' and wrote a few reviews which ended up in the journal. 

I'd be really interested to hear if he's still around (he'd probably be in his 70s now I'm guessing as we tend to think our teachers are a lot older than us when we're at school but when I started teaching I was only 6 years older than the 6th formers...) and what he's up to...


Hanstock, Steve. Teaching Geography, vol. 13, no. 3, 1988, pp. 135–135. JSTOR, Accessed 14 Feb. 2021.

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