Friday 21 May 2021

SLN Publication

Does anyone remember this from around 2008? 

I have a copy and came across it recently when checking through my archive for relevant documents to add to this blog.

Please don't try and order a copy using the order form... it's very unlikely to result in one arriving...

Anyone else have a copy, or have a hand in creating it?


  1. Certainly do. Resulted from a Staffordshire-led Best Practice Research Scholarship (remember those?) which I was part of.

  2. Thanks JW :) I do remember the BPRS - I did one myself which put me in contact with Liz Taylor at Homerton and was one of the things that ultimately led to me joining SLN and also the GA in the end...


Thanks for commenting on the blog, particularly if you are letting me know more about a particular Past President. I'll be in touch shortly as I will shortly be notified of your comment by e-mail.

New(ish) GA resource on Sycamore Gap

A new(ish) resource which can be accessed and used by members of the Geographical Association. I am considering adding a section of this to ...