Friday, 7 May 2021

2010: Solly Street - official opening

The GA has been based at Solly Street since 1997, when it moved into the premises and had an official opening by Wendy Morgan (GA President of the time)

In 2010, it purchased Solly Street, as this made financial sense compared with continuing to rent.

I was working for the GA during this time, and as staff we were all invited to the official opening on the 5th of November, where we were joined by many former GA Presidents.

By now, regular readers of the blog should be able to identify most of these people.

We were visited by David Blunkett, MP, Clive Betts MP and Meg Munn, MP, along with Alan Law, the Lord Mayor of Sheffield. Rita Gardner: the Director of the Royal Geographical Society was also in attendance.
The office space was cleared as people arrived from mid afternoon and had coffee and biscuits and took the chance to catch up with friends and colleagues. There was a formal presentation and speeches, followed by canapes and wine.

Plenty of names familiar from the spines of books in my office, or in piles in cupboards when I was teaching.

As always Bryan Ledgard took the official images of the opening. I managed to avoid being on any it seems. I was lurking by the door.

Image copyright: Bryan Ledgard / Geographical Association

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