Wednesday, 25 March 2020

Thanks to Justin Woolliscroft

Justin very kindly recently visited the Hull History Centre for me after I asked for some help tracking down an image of W Vincent Tidswell, who was the PGCE tutor at Hull University, and was my PGCE tutor during 1986-7 when I trained as a teacher.
A post on Vincent has been written for posting when I get to the 1980s on the blog. He was very much involved with the GA it emerges.

There were also some GA Presidential connections with Hull University of course: Patmore and Cooper, of which more to come later as well.

Justin was a colleague at the GA for some years, and we worked in the same office when he came in to work on the Quality Mark and other related matters. He has been working as the PGCE tutor at the University for quite a few years now.

A few posts from what Justin found will follow over the next few days.

And if anyone has any pictures of Vincent Tidswell please get in touch.

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