Monday, 16 March 2020

1960: Land Use survey

Alice Coleman instigated the Land Use Survey of 1960, organised by the Geographical Association. This involved a repeat of the work that had previously been carried out in the 1930s
Alice had previously worked with Stanley Henry Beaver, associated with the Le Play society.

Balchin's Centenary volume outlines the Survey, which was launched at the GA's Annual Conference in January 1960. The survey asked students to categorise Land Use uner 60 categories, rather than the original 8, and worked at a larger scale (the new 1: 25 000 maps) - 120 maps were made from the Survey results apparently, with the aid of grants from LEAs and other organisations.

Details below are taken from a report by the Soddy Trust

Some examples of the maps produced.

References - Soddy Trust report

Isle of Thanet GA Branch involvement: p.9

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