Saturday, 28 March 2020

1951: Hull Spring Conference #2

Thanks to Justin Woolliscroft once again for these documents from the programme for the 1951 Spring Conference held at the University of Hull.
The conference was addressed by Professor Frank Debenham, GA President for 1952 who accompanied Scott on his ill-fated Antarctic expedition, and had his own post on the blog. His lecture was not on the Antarctic, but on 'Livingstone's Africa and future development". There was a choice of field excursions.

There was a lecture on the East Riding by G De Boer from the University, and also a talk by 'EGB': E G Bowen, who was to become the GA President in 1962. A lecture on the Hull Ports followed afternoon tea. Those who got up early could go and see fish being landed at the docks as long as they were wearing "non skid footwear and an old Mackintosh".

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