Sunday, 29 March 2020

1951: International Conferences

A piece on Marguerita Oughton in 1965 described the work she did organising International Conferences.

In 1951, Miss Oughton had had to assist in some measure in the conduct of a major conference - the First International Conference of Teachers of Geography - held in Sheffield from 30th July to 7th August, at which nearly 100 members and delegates from 17 countries attended. The second such conference took place in Holland in August 1954 and Miss Oughton both travelled to Holland in the previous year to make preliminary arrange- ments, and attended the conference and reported on it (Geography, No. 186, pp. 286-290).

The Third International Conference in this series was at Grenoble in 1957, and this, she has told me, she felt to be an outstanding event in her career, for not only did she attend but she found herself on at least one occasion shouldering the responsibility of speaking for the Association.

More on Marguerita in a a future blog post.

Linton, David L. “Miss Marguerita Oughton: An Appreciation.” Geography, vol. 50, no. 2, 1965, pp. 172–176. JSTOR, Accessed 27 Mar. 2020

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