Saturday, 6 July 2019

1922: The "touring" branch

1922: The ‘Touring Branch’ conducts five home motor tours and two abroad (to France and Switzerland) in its first year. The ‘Branch’ closes in the late 1920s due to a tax issue.
This entry in Peter Fox's Chronology interested me.

I got out my copies of Balchin and Walford to find out more, and also did some searches through the Notes and minutes section of the relevant issues of 'The Geographical Teacher'.

Walford talks about the obvious attraction of fieldwork to geographers, so the idea of a branch excursion was an obvious extension of this.
It seems that there was a Touring Branch set up in the early 1920s, which offered "continental tours and domestic excursions". These involved luxury coaches (a charabanc no doubt) and various hotel stays. As the branch developed, there were more and more tours to different parts of the country, and then finally into Europe.
There will be another post on the Touring Branch later in the blog, as it develops towards the middle of the 1920s.
Here's a sample tour itinerary with prices.
In 1926, there was a slight issue with the RGS, when a typo in one of the brochures said they were offered by the Geographical Society rather than Geographical Association. This apparently didn't go down well.

There's an ad here from the same year's issue of 'The Geographical Teacher', showing some of the tours, which conveniently started from Bradford very often.

The branches had to end due to a tax issue. It appears that there were some concerns that the commercial nature of these activities might conflict with the Association's Charitable status.

2022 will be my Presidential year, and it would be nice to perhaps reintroduce the Touring Branch for that year, and for me to set up my stall in locations around the country to do a talk which will be linked to my Presidential lecture.

Perhaps this will be our anthem...

Various issues of 'The Geographical Teacher'
Balchin's Centenary book
Rex Walford's 'Geography in British Schools, 1850-2000'

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