Saturday, 3 October 2020

A chance to feature on this blog in the future...


Some people ask from time to time what they can do to get more involved with the Geographical Association -  other than the obvious way which is to become a member in the first place.

We have the Phase committees (including Early Years, Secondary and Post-16/HE) and other Special Interest Groups (SIGs) which have a changing roster of members and activity.

There are opportunities to write for the GA's journals: articles and contributions can take various forms and be of differing lengths.

Teachers can also apply to be Consultants to the GA, and work comes through fairly regularly. I've just completed some work with a game design company for example.

There is now a chance for you to put yourself forward to get involved with the journey that I am currently involved with, and apply to be a future President of the Geographical Association. There are also positions for trustees and governing body roles.

Details are published in the GA magazine for Autumn 2020.

You could be the person to become GA President after me.....

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