Sunday, 2 February 2020

The School Textbook

Thanks to Chris Kington for loaning me a copy of this book which explores the development of school textbooks in geography (it covers other subjects too, but I'm, not interested in those...)

Using it to return to some earlier posts, and also add further detail to some forthcoming ones from the 1950s and 60s onwards, when textbooks went through their most important changes...

It contains plenty of mentions of GA Presidents for their work. Simon Catling is one of the GA Presidents who has explored their use.

An early mention of them came from Sir Archibald Geikie in his early book 'The Teaching of Geography' (1887)

"An altogether inordinate value is set by us upon class-books.... It is especially pernicious too the children in the earlier stages of their geographical studies, for it tortures their memories and brings no compensating advantage. It fosters idleness and listlessness on the part of the teacher."

Hugh Robert Mill was a supporter of their use. Mackinder was someone who had an authoritative grasp of all elements of geography.

James Fairgrieve contributed the 'Real Geography' series, published in 6 volumes between 1939 and 1952.

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GA / IoE seminar

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