Tuesday, 12 September 2023

Swansea Presidents

Richard Daugherty has provided a great deal of information on the more recent history of the GA.

Richard was GA President in 1989.

He recently sent me a few pictures that he found from the GA's Centenary event in 1993, which was held at the University of Oxford in the year when Andrew Goudie was President.

This one features four Presidents with a Swansea connection...

Bonus points if you can name (any of) them. I shall add their names in a few days' time...

Left to right

Graham Humphrys
Richard Daugherty
Bill Balchin
Robert Steel

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Thanks for commenting on the blog, particularly if you are letting me know more about a particular Past President. I'll be in touch shortly as I will shortly be notified of your comment by e-mail.

R H Kinvig

R H Kinvig is mentioned in a few documents referenced when I was searching for information on Michael Wise. He was connected with the Unive...