Wednesday, 7 July 2021

David Gardner

The blog has shared stories of numerous individuals who have been involved with the GA over the years. The latest to be mentioned here is David Gardner. Here he is presenting at an event at the GA HQ in Sheffield in the Patrick Bailey Room.

He has worked on a number of projects and publications, drawing on his experience of working with QCA and also as an experienced and prolific author of textbooks and other resources. 

From David's LINKEDIN biography:

For 6 years he led and managed major curriculum and research projects as part of his work at the QCDA. Before that he was the author of various textbooks, teacher guides, and websites for a range of publishers and subjects including geography, history and ICT. David has 28 years experience as a teacher of geography, history, and ICT. 

From 2011 to 2014 David led PGCE Geography at Goldsmiths University, and was Senior Lecturer in PGCE Geography at UCL Institute of Education, from 2014 until August 2018. From July 2012 to February 2013 he was also subject leader for PGCE Geography at the Open University. David is a freelance educational consultant.

As senior advisor at QCA/QCDA he led for the subject two national curriculum reviews - primary and secondary, the development of new GCSE and GCE qualifications.

David has also extensive experience of working with teachers to develop curriculum around the world leading workshops in a range of countries including Kazakhstan, India, South Africa, Indonesia, Jordan and Kuwait, UAE and Singapore.

His most recent substantial project is the KS3 Hodder book 'Progress in Geography' with associated support materials. I also have a copy of his pack produced by Heinemann many years ago called 'ICT Activities in Geography'. If you see a map of Scarborough in a book it's probably been written by David.

David also wrote the accompanying 'Skills' book for the Hodder series which won a GA Award this year.

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