Thursday, 29 July 2021

Lost in the Post - 23rd June 2009

'Lost in the Post' was the name of David Lambert's inaugural professorial lecture at the UCL Institute of Education. I helped with the presentation that David gave on the evening. A good evening down in London, with a reception to follow where I had the chance to speak to many of the names who are featured on this blog.

Published copies of the lecture are still available to purchase. 


In tandem with many schools embracing a post-disciplinary approach to the curriculum, geography itself seems to have fragmented, struggling for its identity and is, arguably, lost in the post.

This lecture posits that contemporary geography is a school subject of great significance and has a lot to offer children and young people growing up in a confusing, rapidly changing and dangerous world. Well-prepared teachers can use this subject in a way that contributes both to their own and their students' capabilities. Lambert argues that geography is re-emerging as a subject discipline for its times, both in academia and in the public realm. In the context of our collective need to more fully to understand human occupancy of the Earth, geography in schools has a new role to play.

Image: Copyright: UCL IoE

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