Thursday, 22 April 2021

Making Geography Happen

Making Geography Happen was an Action Plan for Geography (APG) funded project which ran from 2010. It was coordinated by Ruth Totterdell and involved a number of schools and teachers.

I had the privilege of being involved in several meetings of the project, and helping to film some interviews with teachers discussing their contributions, and that of young people who were also involved.

Seven schools were involved in the project.

The idea behind the project, which is funded by the Action Plan for Geography is that we have been following students through units of work, and across key stages to try to identify and articulate moments when geography "happens": when an activity produces a recognisable change in geographical understanding....

The Making Geography Happen project was evaluated by Geoff Bright from the Education and Social Research Institute of Manchester Metropolitan University, in December 2012.

Read more about it from the link at the top of the post.

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