Friday, 24 April 2020

1964: XXth International Geographic Congress

The July 1964 issue of 'Geography' was a special issue to celebrate the 20th International Geographical Congress.

1964 also saw the 70th Anniversary of the GA's first AGM, which was commemorated by Alice Garnett, the Honorary Secretary at the time (and the GA President in due course)

It included a reflection on the work of the GA by Alice Garnett with a look ahead to the future move to Fulwood Road.

"we can now have courage to blaze new trails that will be worthy of the founder members of seventy years ago; with, ere very long, some of the guiding reins transferred once more into the trust of younger hands"

Thanks to Brendan Conway for sharing the front cover of a book that was published for this event.

Two GA Presidents were involved here.
Geoffrey Hutchings contribution with SW Wooldridge to one of my collector items 'Guide To London Excursions 1964' produced for the 20th International Geographical Congress in 1964.

I ordered a copy of this from ABE Books.
More on that to come in a future blog post.

In the meantime, Brendan Conway posted over on his Think Geographically blog a repost of an original post from 2014, where he had looked back at this event.

I will post more about this event in another blog post using some of Brendan's research.

I've previously posted about the special stamps which were released for this event, and which I've also got copies of - partly as a result of work by L Dudley STAMP to have these produced.
I did further research to try to find further details and papers.

The Twentieth International Geographical Congress was held in London between 20th and 28th July, being formally opened by H.M. the Queen on 21st July, 1964. It was attended by some 2500 delegates from 68 countries

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