Monday, 6 April 2020

1961: Changes at HQ

By 1961, there were some important changes taking place at the GA's HQ. There are references here to some important additional people.

The Executive Committee decided that the time has come when we must have a second graduate member of staff at headquarters, and we are glad to report that we have been fortunate in securing the services of Miss A. M. White, a Cambridge University geography graduate, to take over some of the administrative and secretarial work. Miss Oughton remains as head of our office and staff management. 

Mrs. Felkin, the Senior Clerk, well known to many members personally, continues to give invaluable service particularly in matters concerned with our book-keeping and membership records - both most important! - and the service of water and contour pulls of O.S. maps; she is assisted by two junior clerks, and the other member of staff is the library assistant. 

 This staff, double in number what it was a decade ago, combines to give us at headquarters a very hard-working and loyal team and it is a great pleasure to feel able to report to this Annual Meeting, and for the first time, that at last we have been able, as employers, to reach the standards expected for equivalent work in the existing national conditions. 

All of the staff are now on appropriate, if in some cases modest, salary scales, with appropriate contributory pension and insurance schemes and other facilities, and, within the limitations of our present accommodation, they now have adequately furnished working space and essential clerical and labour- saving office equipment. 

This state of affairs, after a decade of financial struggle, and exacerbated by the spiral of inflation, can at last be a matter of pride, and with the increased efficiency that we hope it brings.

Garnett, Alice. “The Geographical Association.” Geography, vol. 47, no. 1, 1962, pp. 99–109. JSTOR,

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