Sunday, 20 October 2019

The peripatetic Association

Updated November 2020
The Geographical Association has used various premises during its history. It has travelled from place to place, as all good geographers do of course.
I hope to visit as many of them as possible during my Presidential year (and around that time): some of them are familiar to me already of course, and I have visited them.

The Association was formed in the Common Room of Christchurch College, Oxford.

The journals: 'The Geographical Journal' and 'Geography' list a great many venues hosting the AGMs in the early years of the Association including

1903: College of Preceptors, Bloomsbury Square, London
1912: The Physiological Lecture Theatre of University College, London

The London School of Economics was a regular location for the GA Conference for many years, when it was held over the New Year period.
There were the years in Aberystwyth and Manchester, under H J Fleure.

In 1997, there was the move to Solly Street, following an earlier residency at Fulwood Road (and Park Road Library before that)
When I first visited, there was a view up the valley towards the Peak District, but over the years this has been closed off by the construction of student accommodation.
This is the present home of the Association.

For three years, this was my place of work too, where I was fortunate to work as the Secondary Curriculum Leader of the GA. I still visit occasionally for meetings, and to work on projects.
I will be visiting more regularly for the next few years for various meetings.

Image: Alan Parkinson

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