Friday, 4 October 2019

How do you become GA President?

In the early part of the 20th Century, GA Presidents were chosen by Council, or committees, and sometimes this was down to their public profile: a 'figurehead' style President, and others were 'rewarded' for long service to the Association, sometimes more than half a century of voluntary work or otherwise.

The role of the President, and the make-up of the GA, has of course changed several times, and considerably since the founding of the Association in 1893.

Spot the past Presidents in this image taken by Bryan Ledgard

There are a number of posts within the GA which come up from time to time.
Some are on the Governing Body, and others relate to the day-to-day running of the organisation.

The President is one of the posts that is advertised each year.

Keep an eye on the GA website and in the magazine, and also make sure that you are signed up to receive the GA Newsletter, or follow the GA on Facebook or Twitter.
Some trustee posts were advertised recently on the website.

If more than one person puts in a nomination, there is an election. In some years, there are three or four candidates, and they are asked to put together a statement for the members to read. Each membership gets a vote. If it's a group membership, there is one vote.

Request for applications and nominations from 'Geography' in 1988

Image copyright: Bryan Ledgard / Geographical Association

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Thanks for commenting on the blog, particularly if you are letting me know more about a particular Past President. I'll be in touch shortly as I will shortly be notified of your comment by e-mail.

New WordArt

I hadn't updated the WordArt of all former (and current) Presidents' names for a few years... so made this earlier to ensure everyon...