Wednesday, 30 June 2021


Updated June 30th 2021

Several GA colleagues and former Presidents are members of, or have been connected with the activity of GEReCo: the Geography Education Research Collective. 

A new website is apparently launching soon. Perhaps with a new logo?

GEReCo includes a number of people who you will be familiar with from this blog as they have featured before. There is a strong link between the group and the Association and Education Group in particular.

Geography Education Research Collective / UK Commission on Geographical Education of the International Geographical Union

Professor David Lambert has been a member, alongside Mary Biddulph, Claire Brookes and Graham Butt amongst others in recent times.

Secretary of the group is Dr. Nicola Walshe, who has been working in a number of contexts, and invited me to Homerton many times during her time there leading the PGCE. She will be working at UCL IoE shortly, which is a wonderful new challenge for her. John Morgan is also returning to UCL so that will once again make it a department with many GA connections.

Nicola will join the Institute as Head of Department and Professor of Education in the summer, ahead of the 2021/22 academic year.
GERECO runs a number of research seminars. I have attended a few in the past in person.

The next one is next week and you can register for it on Eventbrite.

This is a reminder of the long tradition of the GA and its Presidents of engaging with research.

Updated June 30th 2021
The new GERECO website has now gone live, and describes the earlier years of GERECO and its recent merging.

There is a list of members and their backgrounds here... which includes a former GA President, the current President, a former GA Chief Executive and others heavily involved in the association's work.

And here is a recording of this year's seminar, which I was able to catch most of live while on duty.

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New WordArt

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