Sunday, 6 December 2020

Robert May

I first came across Robert May on one of the images that Sheila Jones sent through to me via Jeremy Krause. He was in a quiz team which was taking part in a special quiz on the British Empire at the 1993 Centenary Celebrations, along with Sue Bermingham.

He was the Branch Officer of the Geographical Assocation following Sheila Jones - an important role and one currently carried out by Ian Dixson. She described him as a great supporter of the GA and Assistant Treasurer, and she said he never made President, but perhaps should have.

Here he is in the image on the right:

We believe the man on the left with the beard and Fez is Bob Jones: Secretary of the North Staffs Branch of the GA, and also a former GA Branch Officer. Thanks to Frances Soar for suggesting that it was Bob. Can anyone confirm that for me? He was certainly present at the event.


Coates, Bryan E., et al. “Annual Report of the Geographical Association 1983.” Geography, vol. 69, no. 2, 1984, pp. 167–175. JSTOR, Accessed 8 Nov. 2020

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