Sunday, 7 June 2020

J. A. Morris - special school magazine to mark his retirement

Updated June 19th 2020 with more memories of Jammy...

Very many thanks to Emma Halstead - Administrator, Latymer Old Students Association for taking the time to track down a special issue of the Latymer School Magazine from September 1962 marking the retirement of Joseph Acton Morris. It includes a better version of an image of him in the original post from 1965.

Emma also mentioned my blog in a newsletter to former pupils and several of them got in touch with their memories of Jammy Morris. Thanks to Emma for keeping these coming as they arrive...

Meg Knott told me:
I was taught at Latymer (1951-56) and well remember Mr Morris. One winter I threw a snowball which unhappily scored a direct hit on the back of his neck. I was terrified and thought, 'I am going to be expelled for this!' But instead he gave me a very mild ticking off. He was a nice man.

Thanks to Emma for sending this card which had some memories of his teaching and a school trip to Yugoslavia... from Barbara D - also chucking challk and the board rubber...

I found an image of the book and copies for sale on ABE Books

With regards to Jammy Morris - I remember one particular lesson when I couldn't answer a question he fired at me.  I was made to stand up on a chair and in front of the whole class, he said he would  tell my brother Roy (five years older) that evening , when he saw him at A.T.C, how I couldn't answer a simple question.  
You can imagine how small I felt - and something I have never forgotten! Mr. Morris was an Officer in A.T.C.
Regards Doreen B , at Latymer 1943-48

More memories to come once I have permissions...

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