Saturday, 25 January 2020

Glimpses - the Fishmonger

I enjoy watching films on the Talking Pictures TV website. They show vintage films, many of which I haven't seen before.

Today, I saw the start of a short film called Glimpses, from 1947.
I noticed that it was made in association with G.J Cons, and recognised that this was someone who had been elected to be GA President, but who sadly died before they took office - more on that at the appopriate time.

It turns out the film follows three students who are sent out (without adult supervision of course) to map the food shops on their high street, and end up in the Fishmongers who tells them about their day, starting at Billingsgate Market.

Basically, 3 children are set out completely unaccompanied to do this work...

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New WordArt

I hadn't updated the WordArt of all former (and current) Presidents' names for a few years... so made this earlier to ensure everyon...