Friday, 3 January 2020

3.1.33: Progress in Geography - the Record of the IBG

There are references to a whole host of GA Presidents in this piece by David Stoddart.

Many former GA Presidents were involved in the formation of the IBG.
This article outlines the involvement of a whole range of geographers including Alice Garnett, Ogilvie Buchanan, Wooldridge, Stanley Beaver, H J Fleure and Arthur Austin Miller. You will be familiar with many of those names from previous entries on the blog I hope.

A key figure in the formation of the IBG was C. B. Fawcett, pictured here.

The first meeting of the IBG was held on the 3rd of January 1933, when C B Fawcett was elected as President, Arthur Austin Miller was elected as Secretary and Treasurer.

Ogilvie Buchanan became President in 1953.

There were Annual Conferences with Presidential and other lectures once again. I like this description of Sidney Wooldridge's lecture, which I may need to have a go at finding...

Here are the Presidents up to the merging with the RGS:

Plenty of GA Presidents there.


Stoddart, D. R. “Progress in Geography: The Record of the I. B. G.” Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, vol. 8, no. 1, 1983, pp. 1–13. JSTOR,

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I hadn't updated the WordArt of all former (and current) Presidents' names for a few years... so made this earlier to ensure everyon...