Sunday, 4 August 2019

Conference Updates (1928)

In 1928, there was the first example I could find of what are now regular reviews of the GA Conference, which are mentioned in the GA Magazine.
They were called Notes and Discussions.
This conference sounds like it was a particularly busy one.
It was also another mention for the husband and wife team of Mr and Mrs. V C Spary who organised the activities and entertainment for some years at the LSE. Spary later followed James Fairgrieve (GA President) to teach at William Ellis School.

During this period, conferences were hosted by the LSE.
The LSE has a Flickr Library of images.
This one shows a contemporary image of the theatre at the LSE, where some of the events at the conference must have taken place.

At the end of the conference, H. J. Fleure summed up with a really nice description of the work of the Association, which was vital given the important of geography and "our special responsibility in training citizens" and emphasised "the need for a greater understanding of world problems".

Here's another image from the LSE Flickr library: an image of future President L Dudley Stamp, who was Professor of Social Geography at LSE, taken during the 1940s.

A request for help follows on from this.

I have looked through a whole range of Flickr archives and accounts and am yet to find any images from GA Conferences earlier than 2007ish, other than some small images in some of the early issues of the GA Magazine that I have access to, which developed from the earlier journal GA News.

I am sure that other people must have some images taken at GA Conferences, and would love to have any images that were taken in the 80s, 90s or even earlier...

H. K., and L. DUDLEY STAMP. “ANNUAL CONFERENCE NOTES AND DISCUSSIONS.” Geography, vol. 14, no. 4, 1928, pp. 342–348. JSTOR,

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