Monday, 12 August 2019

1930: Moving to Manchester

MANCHESTER: 1930 - 1946

In 1930, Professor H J Fleure took up the newly-established Chair of Geography at the University of Manchester and the GA moved with him. This meant finding a new place for the 4000 volumes that were now in the Association's Library, along with the Assistant Secretary who ran it and dealt with correspondence.

The Chief Education Officer in Manchester, Spurley Hey generously gave the GA free office and library accommodation in the Manchester High School of Commerce, which was gratefully accepted. Miss R M Fleming wanted to stay in Aberystwyth, and was replaced by Miss M. E. Owen. She proved herself to be just as efficient and skilful in her work.

When this became unavailable, temporary accommodation was provided at 103 Princess Street, Manchester, close to where the GA currently has its conference every three years or so.

This was a challenging time for the Association, with economic recession, and less demand for specialist teachers.
Despite that, the library's new location and premises allowed it to become a reference library, and use of it increased steadily.
T. C. Warrington took over as Honorary Librarian after stepping down as Headteacher of Leek Grammar School.

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