Monday, 14 September 2020

John on Jim Jay

I posted about L J Jay quite recently, followed by some memories of him.
I was listening to GeogPods again, with John Lyon interviewing Margaret Roberts. It's well worth catching up with if you haven't heard it.

I get a mention towards the end, which is nice.

John also mentions that his own tutor was Jim Jay, so I asked him to tell me a little bit about him, and this is what John sent me:

He was a lovely man. He interviewed me for a place at Sheffield University for the geography education course. I’m not entirely sure how he assessed me as being suitable for the course and indeed as a teacher. As I recall he did most of the talking. Obviously he was sharp ... and perceptive. 

'Geography teaching with a little Latitude' is a wonderful book and somehow expressed all that made him a high quality tutor. It’s packed full of practical ideas, challenges the reader to think about their own practice and how to improve, yet all the while being served up with his gentle humour. I’ve still got it. Chapter four on image and reality could be used very effectively for perception of place today.

He invited us all for tea with his wife at his house in Dore and we had a wonderful time. He had the ability to make people feel rather special. He certainly made us evaluate the what and why of our planning. An all round excellent teacher trainer.

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