Friday, 17 July 2020

1970: Canada Study Tour

The 1970 Study Tour was 50 years ago. It was the Trans-Canada tour, and an interesting event for the GA. The tour took a large group of educators to Canada - the largest ever GA tour.  There were 152 people involved, who travelled to locations across Canada.

Graham Humphrys told me of his involvement in February 2021
In the early 1970s I was one of the leaders on two field excursions to North America for Geography Teachers organised under the GA banner. 
The first was Trans Canada in 1971 and the second down the western Cordillera in 1973. (Bill Balchin and Alice Coleman were the main organisers for both and I think they may have been based in the Isle of Thanet GA Branch)

Study tours are still continuing now - run by the International SIG.
2020 saw the tour to Malawi.
I have previously blogged about a tour to Poland run by Patrick Bailey, which Chris Kington told me all about.

The 2021 GA tour to Nicaragua was launched in the latest issue of the GA Magazine.
More details will come later in the year.

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