Friday, 31 May 2019

Quote of the Day

Jaime Batalha Reis.png
"every child knows how to apply the words mountain, plain, valley, river, lake to the objects they have constantly seen designated by such words.
 The difficulty only begins when we have to impress on the children's intelligences the notion of how all the relations those entities have between themselves, make up a locality; how this locality is part of country, the latter part of a vaster region; and how the Earth is composed of such large regions".

Paper to the International Geographical Congress in 1895

Quoted in Jay, 1965

I guess he was after some sort of schema to help organise the knowledge...

Reference: JAY, L. J. “A. J. Herbertson : His Services to School Geography.” Geography, vol. 50, no. 4, 1965, pp. 350–361. JSTOR,

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