Sunday, 9 June 2019

1918: The introduction of Standing Committees

Standing Committees were introduced to the Geographical Association in 1918.

The first 4 committee established were:
  • Exhibitions
  • Regional Surveys
  • Syllabuses and Examinations
  • Books, Maps and Atlases
In 1922, the Tours committee was added, as part of the growth of the Tours the GA was running at the time to parts of the UK and also into Europe.

One reason for their introduction may have been to reduce the burden of work on some of the early presidents and secretaries who must have worked non-stop to keep the various elements of the Association going, and also to bring in opportunities for volunteers / activists with particular skills to help out. There were changes in the responsibilities of the Honorary officers at the same time.
Over the years, the names of quite a few committees have come and gone, and been changed of course.

At the AGM in January, 2018, Balchin's book describes the formation of 4 Standing Committees, which were not organised in the same way as the present GA Committees.
Currently, the activity of the GA is overseen by Education Group (EG)

The Geographical Association's Education Group (EG) oversees the educational work of GA volunteers, covering all phases from foundation through to post-16 and Initial Teacher Training, as well as its international work and activities in areas such as Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) and Learning Outside the Classroom (LOtC).

The Education Group's functions include:
formulating the educational policy of the GA and ensuring that provision is made for all aspects of geographical education
guiding the GA Governing Body on priorities for the educational work of the GA
overseeing, setting priorities for, and co-ordinating the actions of its sub-groups (Phase Committees, Special Interest Groups, Communication Boards, Working Parties)
taking action on education and professional matters identified by EG itself or its sub-groups, the GA Governing Body or other GA Officers.

EG meets formally three times a year, usually in January, May and September.

Education Group members are all elected or appointed from the GA membership and comprise a Chair, a Vice Chair, GA President, GA Senior Vice President, GA Junior Vice President, and the chairs of EG's sub-groups (Phase Committees, Special Interest Groups and Communication Boards). Current EG sub-groups are:

There are three Phase Committees
Secondary Phase Committee - I have served on the SPC for 15 years, and until I stepped down this week, was the Secretary of the committee. We meet 3 times a year in London, and always offer workshops and lectures at the GA Conference, and have previously been involved in consultations on curriculum change, publications, reviews and other consultations.
Post-16 and HE Phase Committee

There is also a Presidents Group of Trustees.
Some of the committee functions have been devolved / changed to become Special Interest Groups (SIGs)

Currently the GA has the following SIGs.

If you would like to get involved with any of these committees, follow the link to their pages and contact the Chair to express an interest. We have recently recruited two new members on SPC for example.

The minutes I have been reading in 'Geography' and 'The Geographical Teacher' note quite a few Standing Committees that have come and gone over the years. I'd quite like to have served on some of these. One can imagine the tweed jackets, and ashtrays with smoke filling the rooms as the discussions continued....
I shall collate a list of these committees over the coming months, and post again several times to update you on some of the committees which have been and gone over the years. Some were short lived.

The Regional Survey Committee eventually led to the Land Utilisation Survey instigated by L. Dudley Stamp, for example.

Image on GA Committees taken from the GA website.

Image: SPC members, January 2019 - created by Ryan Bate
Please note that as of June 2019, I have stepped down from the SPC, to focus on my Presidency stint... starting in September 2019 as Junior Vice President.

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