Thursday, 2 November 2023

Alan Kinder to step down from his GA Chief Executive post

I have covered the story of the previous GA Chief Executives as part of the writing of this blog.  

It was announced today that Alan Kinder is going to be stepping down as Chief Executive of the Geographical Assocation. He is moving to a new job with the Regional Studies Association in 2024.

The Chair of the RSA Board is Professor Neil Lee, Geography Department, London School of Economics and readers of the blog will know that the GA and LSE were connected for many decades, with some former GA Presidents being drawn from LSE staff, and the GA Conference being held there for many years too.

Alan leaves the GA in a strong position having completed 11 years in post. He has been an excellent Chief Executive, taking over from Professor David Lambert.

I first knew Alan when he co-chaired the Secondary Phase Committee I served on from 2004, when he was an Advisory teacher in London. He also co-edited the KS3 Toolkit series in 2007ish which I contributed to. I have co-presented with him at GA Conferences. 

He has overseen some dramatic changes in the GA's structure, staffing and operations and taken it through the pandemic to emerge in a very strong position with record membership levels.

I wish him all the best for his next challenge. 

This also means that there is an exciting job opportunity for someone as well: as the GA's next Chief Executive.

Yesterday was also the deadline for nominations for GA President 2025-26 and it will be interesting to find out who has put themselves forward... 

Statements below from the GA website:

GA Chief Executive Alan Kinder said:

“As a former teacher of geography, it has been the most enormous honour and privilege to have served as the GA’s Chief Executive for more than eleven years. This is a vibrant community, supporting a vital part of every young person’s education. Teachers of geography deserve the assistance of an independent subject association, focused squarely on their needs and interests, and I hope I have been able to play a role in representing and supporting teachers effectively during my time in post. As I begin to prepare for the exciting professional challenges that lie ahead for me, I’m confident that the GA will use its current strategy as a strong foundation for further progress in the years ahead.”

GA Chair of Trustees Professor Alastair Owens said:

“Alan Kinder has been an outstanding Chief Executive of the Geographical Association. Over his eleven years of energetic and committed leadership, he has worked tirelessly to support the geography education community, resulting in unparalleled levels of engagement with the Association’s activities and a doubling of its membership. Alan is a skilled and influential advocate for the discipline while also being a generous mentor, colleague and friend. While sad that he will be moving on from the GA, I congratulate him warmly on his new roles at the Regional Studies Association.

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