Sunday, 12 December 2021

IGU - a call for paper abstracts

This information will be appearing in a number of locations, including the GA website over the next month.

There is a month to the deadline for submitting a paper as part of a session that I have had approved at the IGU in Paris in July 2022. It's also a month to the deadline for early bird booking.

This may be of niche interest to some reading this, but it is posted so that I can direct those who may be interested and attending the event to see the full details. The final results will also be of direct interest to those who teach in any capacity as we explore the idea of a curriculum framework.

This will be the 100th IGU Conference in Paris in July 2022.

My session at the IGU’s centennial conference will continue a long tradition of GA / IGU engagement, involving former GA Presidents including Norman Graves and Sir Dudley Stamp. I will draw on previous employment as the GA’s Secondary Curriculum Leader and experience in developing curriculum artefacts and vignettes to help bring curriculum documents to life. This will hopefully be the start of a renewed international conversation about curriculum: to reconnect with each other after several years of enforced separation.

Title of proposed session:
Developing a curriculum framework for Geography at national level

The session is described as follows:

The Geographical Association (GA) has pursued its mission ‘to further geographical knowledge and understanding through education’ since 1893, during which time it has undertaken successive exercises to reframe the school geography curriculum in the UK and further afield.

One of the GA’s flagship initiatives at present is a fundamental review of curriculum thinking in geography education.

This initiative has taken a very wide range of evidence and perspectives into account to work on the production of a geography curriculum framework that is informed by research and practice, reflects the contemporary world and discipline and can be used by the Association to exert influence on national and international curriculum conversations in the future. This work is being led by Eleanor Rawling, Honorary Research Fellow, University of Oxford Department of Education, and will emerge during 2022.

The curriculum framework will be introduced at the session, along with a description of some of the other projects which influenced the thinking. Key issues around such work will be explored, with reference to other national curricula. The curriculum framework also creates opportunities for teachers to develop deeper (powerful) knowledge and equip students with choices about whether and how they wish to act, as well as a better understanding of how and why others do/do not act in the same way.

Alan will outline his ‘Curriculum Vitae’ - a curriculum for life: to engage young people and equip them with key questions that they will carry forward with them beyond their schooling. The Climate Emergency and other global issues should be threads running through any new curriculum, but teachers need support in considering how such issues can become objects of study, so that they may be examined in school without the attendant real-world pressures we otherwise face when dealing with complex social, political and environmental challenges. Should this be part of the framework, or the associated guidance? Such questions will be discussed.

If you would like to get involved, please get in touch. The IGU website has reopened during December and early January for the submission of papers and there will then be a selection process to create the programme for the session that I will chair.

The IGU website will be open for submissions until January the 11th 2022. These are abstracts at this stage.

Go here to submit your abstracts

Summaries are possible in two formats:

Oral communication: Presentation of 15 minutes maximum, in one of the working languages ​​of the session (see the presentation sheet of the session to which you are submitting your proposal)

E-poster: If your e-poster proposal is accepted by the session organizer (s), the poster must respect the charter (.pdf format) and be placed in the E-Poster area accessible with your identifier, before June 15, 2022 .

Summary format
The sessions will be organized on the principle of one or more session (s) lasting 1h45, each corresponding to 4 presentations of 15 min maximum and 5 min of discussion.

Submission of an abstract
Abstracts must be submitted in French or in English.

The submission form must clearly specify the working language of the communication, with reference to the languages ​​proposed in the session. There will be no interpretation service during the sessions, unless the session organizers offer and provide it themselves.

The sessions will take place face-to-face or virtually; there will be no hybrid sessions.

Submission format

Title : 255 characters maximum, spaces included
Summary : 2000 characters maximum, spaces included
Keywords : 5 maximum
References : 5 maximum

Make sure your paper is linked to the session in the Geographical Education section of the event.

We will share the date and time of the session in the final programme as soon as we can.

Get in touch if you would like to know more details.

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