Saturday, 23 October 2021

GA Conference 2022

The conference theme is  Everyday Geographies.

Yesterday was a good day as the first emails went out to those who submitted a proposal for the GA Conference in April 2022. Immediately there were some very excited people on Twitter sharing the news.

Along with the submitted proposals there's also a whole programme of invited speakers who will be announced in the coming months.

There will also be some other emails coming out as well next week, so if you submitted a proposal and haven't heard from us, please check your spam (depends on the sensitivity of your work systems) or wait until the end of next week. There are still a few slots to be filled. The President is always involved heavily in the conference, including choosing the theme. For many decades, there were conference organisers, who have featured on the blog in previous posts.

Here's a sample of the tweets that were sent out on the day:

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R H Kinvig

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