Sunday 21 July 2024

Dudley Stamp - a memorial Volume #2

A second post on the Memorial volume for Dudley Stamp, published by the IBG in 1968.

A final chapter was provided by former GA President Michael Wise.

In it he references the impact that Dudley Stamp on School Geography, including the mention in the TES at the top of this piece in 1955.

It also references the GA and their role in supporting the production of textbooks to set out an 'ideal syllabus'. The influence of the topics chosen back then persist even now. I may have to go back to that AGM to find out more.

There is also reference to Geographical Publications Ltd. set up by Stamp.

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2024: Hina Robinson

For the third year out of the last four, the GA President will be a teacher, and a female state-school teacher for the second year in a row....