Monday 10 June 2024

150 000 page views

This blog has been a labour of love and taken many hundreds (even thousands) of hours over the last five years that it has been taking shape. 

There are now well over 800 posts, and I've referenced hundreds of issues of GA journals and other books and have a fleshed out biography of over 100 GA Presidents.

We've now passed 150 000 page views - another small milestone to have passed. Thanks for your interest, and as always if you have any additional information on any previous (or present) GA President, please get in touch. I'm still always keen to receive pictures taken at previous GA Conferences.

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Thanks for commenting on the blog, particularly if you are letting me know more about a particular Past President. I'll be in touch shortly as I will shortly be notified of your comment by e-mail.

New(ish) GA resource on Sycamore Gap

A new(ish) resource which can be accessed and used by members of the Geographical Association. I am considering adding a section of this to ...