Thursday, 14 March 2024

The GA's new Chief Executive: Steve Brace

An important announcement from the GA today.

Alan Kinder's replacement was announced.

The full announcement said:

The Geographical Association (GA) is delighted to announce that Steve Brace has been appointed as its new Chief Executive.

Steve is already well known to the geography education community having previously been Head of Education and Outdoor Learning at the Royal Geographical Society (with Institute of British Geographers) (RGS (with IBG)). He started his career as a geography teacher at a London comprehensive, moving on to roles at the charity Action Aid and the Commonwealth Institute, before joining the RGS (with IBG). Whether via social media or through regular contributions to the Times Educational Supplement and other newspapers, Steve has become an important and trusted spokesperson for geography.

Professor Alastair Owens, the GA’s Chair of Trustees, commented:

‘Steve Brace is a leading figure in the geography education community, and I am thrilled that he will be joining the GA. He brings deep experience of supporting geography teachers from primary to A level, has been influential in shaping education policy relevant to our discipline, has built many partnerships and raised funds to develop new initiatives, and has played a key role in making geography more diverse and inclusive.

Steve’s energy and strategic vision will enable the GA to address the needs of its members in responsive and imaginative ways and ensure that it continues to be a powerful voice in advocating for the relevance and value of a geographical education in a rapidly changing world. The GA and geographical education are in very good hands.’

Steve Brace said:

‘I am delighted to be joining the GA as its Chief Executive and to lead the organisation at such an important time for our subject. My first GA conference was in 1989. Since then, I have worked alongside many GA colleagues, its trustees and members – and long admired its work.

The GA, and our subject community as a whole, have much to celebrate. There have been significant improvements in geography teaching across primary and secondary schools. Exam entries have increased and geographers are receiving greater public recognition.

However, there is more work needed to strengthen the supply of subject specialist geography teachers, to protect and develop fieldwork, advance equality, diversity and inclusion and better connect geography’s value to all young people’s aspirations. The GA, through its own work and in partnership, has a vital role to play in addressing such challenges. I am pleased to be joining during Denise Freeman’s Presidential year and look forward to working with her, Vice President Hina Robinson, the entire GA community and its collaborators to address these priorities.’

Steve will join the GA staff on 25 March 2024 in good time for the Annual Conference and Exhibition, themed ‘Geography for Everyone’, which takes place at the University of Manchester, 4–6 April 2024.

Tuesday, 5 March 2024

100 000 page views

It's coming up to five years since I started this blog.

At the time, I had been announcd as the forthcoming GA President and started my year as Junior Vice President (the final person to hold that role for the time being.

The blog has just passed 100 000 page views... which is nice...

The next President to be added will be Hina Robinson, on the 1st of September.

In a month, we will find out who will be her successor as GA President: either Catherine Owen or Kit Marie Rackley.


Congratulations to Catherine Owen.

New GA Blog from AESIG

David Gardner has contributed a useful new post on the GA Blog on behalf of the Assessment and Examinations Special Interest Group of the GA.

Here's a related pathway at the forthcoming GA Conference.

New WordArt

I hadn't updated the WordArt of all former (and current) Presidents' names for a few years... so made this earlier to ensure everyon...