Thursday, 24 August 2023

GA and Internationalism

From a PhD thesis, and discovered while searching for information on Richard Arman Gregory. It explores the work of the British Association Sections and Nunn's report on school geography in 1919, and the need to promote 'global citizenship' and internationalism / the League of Nations.

The TES in 1920

In order, then, to take a share in the general citizenship of the world thus forced upon humanity it is essential that a knowledge of the factors underlying life and its problems the wide world over should form a part, and an important part, of a sound education.

At this point, yet another former GA President appears: Cyril Norwood - early on it what was to become another illustrious career.

There is a great deal to unpick here. I am sure other PhD theses may have explored this period.

Source: PhD Thesis - University of Leeds - 1978 - Peter Michael Digby Collins

The British Association referred to here is the British Association for the Advancement of Sciences which has been around since 1831.

It has digital archives which I may well dig into if time and circumstances permit. Apparently I can have a 30 day free trial to delve into the papers that it contains as part of the Wiley Digital Archives service.

In 2009, BAAS became the British Science Association (BSA). The new association has expanded on the original mission of putting science at the center of society, culture and education, and is focused on increasing the number, range and diversity of people actively engaged with scientific studies, activities and developments.

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