Monday, 16 January 2023

Geographical Association Awards - now open for nominations

You have until the beginning of March to nominate someone for a Geographical Association award.

We have spent some time changing the awards a little as we want to bring in more nominations from the wider geographical community, and also from within the GA's large group of volunteers and members who get involved in the wider work of the GA through committees, special interest groups, branches, projects and other work.

Each year, at the GA’s Annual Conference, the Association presents a number of awards to recognise and celebrate the contribution of individuals towards geography education. 

GA awards include:

GA Honorary Membership (normally one award per year) – this is the highest award made by the GA, in return for sustained and outstanding service to the Association. It confers lifelong and complimentary membership of the GA on its recipients. Read a list of GA Honorary Members

GA Annual Awards for Excellence (normally up to two awards per year) – for a GA member or non-member who has made a significant contribution to furthering geographical knowledge and understanding through education and/or to the work of the GA over the previous year. Read a list of past recipients here.

GA Geography Champion (normally up to two awards per year) – for a GA member or non-member who has made a significant contribution to supporting the work of the geography educator community or raising the profile of geography within the wider public arena.

This is a new award and we want to draw in nominations from people outside of the GA for this particular award. If you've been helped by someone please nominate them.

GA Distinguished Service Award
– for a GA member who has made a notable contribution to the work of the GA and its charitable mission over a sustained period of time. This contribution might arise from participation on GA committees or special interest, or volunteer groups, service given to local branches, or other significant activity that has furthered the work of the Association.

Nominations for awards can only be made by current members and should be submitted using the online GA Awards nomination form

This is a change to make nominating someone easier - no more paper forms.

Please read the details of GA Awards criteria before making a nomination.

Nominations can be made at any time of the year - another change.

Those received by 1 March will be considered for awards to be presented at an awards ceremony held at the GA Annual Conference and Exhibition that year; nominations received after that date will be considered for the following year.

The deadline is slightly different to previously, providing a little more time ahead of the Governing Body meeting where the nominations are ratified and agreed ahead of April.

Please get nominating. 

The awards will be presented by Alastair Owens and Denise Freeman this year.

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