Sunday, 9 October 2022

GA Presidential election for 2024-5

According to this UCL research paper:

Figures from 2019 show that 85.6% of all teachers and 65.4% of pupils are currently from a White British background; in comparison, 78.5% of the working age population of England were recorded as White British in the 2011 census 

(UK Government, 2020).

To date, 100% of GA Presidents have been 'White British' (with the occasional French-born President, and others born overseas). 

This needs to change.

If you would like to be involved in changing this narrative, we are now looking for the next GA President after Denise Freeman, who will be President in 2023-4. 

Nominations need to be in by the 1st of November.

You will see that there are also some other vacancies which we would welcome applicants.

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