Sunday, 25 June 2023

20 000 views

A small milestone, but good to see that people are reading the posts here, which tell a small history of the development of the Geographical Association, and the backgrounds to the people who have held the post of President. Feel free to comment, and get in touch if you have further information on someone who has held the role...

This is also post #777 on the blog.

From the archive - correcting proofs and an invitation

 I hope to perhaps get up to Sheffield for a root around in the GA archives at some point during the summer as I did last summer. I took some pictures, and not sure I've shared them all yet, so there follows some posts with images of some findings.

Two contributions featuring the handwriting of A.J. Herbertson.

From the archive - letter to a Princess

I hope to perhaps get up to Sheffield for a root around in the GA archives at some point during the summer as I did last summer. I took some pictures, and not sure I've shared them all yet, so there follows some posts with images of some findings.

This one features the letter from Simon Catling inviting the Princess Royal to be the patron of the GA during its Centenary year - an invitation she accepted, and she came along to the conference that year. See other posts for pictures from that event.

New WordArt

I hadn't updated the WordArt of all former (and current) Presidents' names for a few years... so made this earlier to ensure everyon...